How to get specific order’s all comment or last comment in magento
In magento if you want to get specific order’s all comment or last commet this code can help you to do that. [php] $incrementId = 145000251; // Order’s incrementId $orderdata = Mage::getModel(‘sales/order’)->load($incrementId, ‘increment_id’); // Load that order by incrementId $comments = $orderdata->getStatusHistoryCollection(true); // Collection of …
Rating showing twice on product pages in Magento
We came across an issue recently, where the customer’s product pages review section was showing the rating stars twice. Here is the quick fix . Just goto the phpmyadmin and run this SQL query, [php] TRUNCATE `rating_option_vote` ; TRUNCATE `rating_option_vote_aggregated` ; [/php] …
How to Check, Customer is Logged in or not in Magento2
Below script will helpful to find the customer currently logged in a website or not. [php] $objectManager = \Magento\Framework\App\ObjectManager::getInstance(); $customerSession = $objectManager->create(‘Magento\Customer\Model\Session’); if($customerSession->isLoggedIn()) { //customer is loggedin or not $customerSession->getCustomer()->getName(); //Loggedin customer Name $customerSession->getCustomer()->getEmail(); //Loggedin customer Email //print_r($customerSession->getCustomer()->getData()); } [/php] Or You can try below …
Fix the HTTP Error When Uploading Images to WordPress
Many people encountered this HTTP error when uploading images to WordPress. The last time this happened to us was several days ago, after the hosting transfer, so I thought to share with you several solutions that may help you solve this problem. This error appears …
Save shipment tracking information programmatically
Hello Guys, I am working on project and client have big issues while creating a shipment when products are from different vendors. So when admin will create a shipment than he has to add tracking id based on products in order and he is not …
10 Interesting Facts About Magento
Magento is a leading ecommerce platform. It has appear up as the most effectual and cause-forcible platform for e-businesses around the globe. Several successful stores have gain their prosperity through Magento. Since its launch in 2008, Magento has successfully established itself as one of the …
Plus Minus Shopping Quantity Button for Magento
We want to have plus and minus buttons to increment our product quantity, rather than just a boring input box The Markup [php] <div> <a class=”decrement_qty” href=”javascript:void(0)”> <img src=”images/minus-qty.png” width=”16″ height=”16″ alt=”&ndash;” /> </a> <input name=”qty” size=”4″ value=”1″ /> <a class=”increment_qty” href=”javascript:void(0)”> <img src=”images/plus-qty.png” width=”16″ …
How to create a custom widget in magento 2
Let’s just start creating this custom widget. Open app folder and if you don’t have code folder in it please create it. After that open code folder and create a folder “Webcreta”. Here “Webcreta” is our namespace. Then here is folder structure we will need. …
shipping restriction based on Postal/Zip code in magento
Check whether the shipment is available on your location depends on Postal/Zip code. Here we will be discuss on product’s shipment is available on your location or not. You have to follow this steps given below. Step 1 : Open your app\code\core\Mage\Customer\Model\customer.php from your magento …
How to prevent Brute Force Attacks for Magento website?
Nowadays, Magento users commonly meet Brute force attacks. Their websites are vulnerable to these attacks and they might be abused when hackers find them and launch a brute force attack. If you use Magento, there are by default located at /admin and /downloader and can …