shipping restriction based on Postal/Zip code in magento
Check whether the shipment is available on your location depends on Postal/Zip code. Here we will be discuss on product’s shipment is available on your location or not. You have to follow this steps given below. Step 1 : Open your app\code\core\Mage\Customer\Model\customer.php from your magento …
How to prevent Brute Force Attacks for Magento website?
Nowadays, Magento users commonly meet Brute force attacks. Their websites are vulnerable to these attacks and they might be abused when hackers find them and launch a brute force attack. If you use Magento, there are by default located at /admin and /downloader and can …
How to create a simple Helloworld module in Magento 2
In this post we will create a simple Helloworld module in Magento 2. Fisrt of all you should know that in magento 2 there are no more code pools.Modules are grouped by namespace and placed directly in the app/code folder. Now let’s start! Here is …
How to speed up Magento Performance?
Magento is one of the most widely used eCommerce platforms today that people to choose to grown their online business. In this post, we will discuss tips on how to speed up Magento performance. Follow these tips below on how to speed up Magento and …