How to get specific order’s all comment or last comment in magento
In magento if you want to get specific order’s all comment or last commet this code can help you to do that.
$incrementId = 145000251; // Order’s incrementId
$orderdata = Mage::getModel(‘sales/order’)->load($incrementId, ‘increment_id’); // Load that order by incrementId
$comments = $orderdata->getStatusHistoryCollection(true); // Collection of comments on that order
$allComments = $comments->getData(); // Array of all comments, if you wana check uncomment next line.
// echo “<pre>”;print_r($allComments);die;
$lastCommentOfOrder = reset($allComments); // Array of last comment, if you wana check uncomment next line.
// echo “<pre>”;print_r($lastCommentOfOrder);die;
echo $lastCommentOfOrder[‘comment’]; // Here is last comment on this order
Just in case if you want to insert new comment into specific order. Let me show that also it’s very simple.
$comment = “New Comment by vky”; // your comment
$incrementId = 145000251; // incrementId of order in which you want to add new comment
$order = Mage::getModel(‘sales/order’)->load($incrementId, ‘increment_id’); // Load that order
$order->addStatusHistoryComment($comment); // Add your comment
$order->save(); // save order